Awards & recognitions

TEDx: Designing for Behavioural Change

At TEDxFryslân 2015, our co-founder Tim Laning gave a TED talk about developing serious games in a cross-sectoral way. Because sometimes, the least likely combinations yield the best results.

Grendel on Netflix

Can video games change the world? Bill Nye answers this question in episode 7 of the first season of “Bill Nye Saves the World”. Correspondent Derek Muller visits Tim Laning and Henk ten Cate Hoedemaker from the University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG) to learn more about Underground, one of our games that is scientifically proven to teach laparoscopic surgery skills. You can watch the full episode on Netflix.

Grendel on BBC Horizon

In the BBC Horizon documentary “Are Video Games Really That Bad?”, Underground is mentioned as an example of how games can have a positive impact on our lives. Surgeon Henk ten Cate Hoedemaker from the UMCG explains how this game enables surgeons in training to learn laparoscopic skills in a unique way.

TechTalk about Underground at Google

Tim Laning, Henk ten Cate Hoedemaker and Jetse Goris from the UMCG were invited by the Google Headquarters in San Jose to give a TechTalk on their unique collaboration during the making of the laparoscopic training game Underground. Tim, Henk and Jetse are the first Dutch people invited to speak during the Google TechTalks.

More about Grendel

Our mission

Our mission is to improve the world. We do this by changing traditional learning methods into fun and engaging experiences. These experiences help people around the globe feel inspired and empowered to reach their full potential.

Meet the team

We are Grendel. With a versatile and international team we strive to make the world a better place by supporting life long learning through fun and immersive serious games.

Contact us

Do you want to know more about the possibilities of serious games and gamification? Let’s discuss how we can help.

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